Sunday 12 May 2019

Mind i say !!

some moments just like that zone your mind out and the nite sky or the blue skies through the day is one of those things....

everytime you have this moment of smthing watching the nite sky that one feeeeeeel of him......

to just live him watching the nite sky.....

like you maybe out and all but when you just be with his music playing and then look up at the sky bas aise he not think a thing nothing at all.... and then there is that beauuuuuuuutiful visual of him.... to just live him watch that beauuuty of the nite sky and just smile amazed by the silent grandeur of it.....

its that dark and yet that blue like you can still see the sky and yet not see it....

and then there is that occasional sighting and beauty of the stars of His white nite sky birds.....

and there is him looking up and just smiling that lil beauuuuuutiful smile of his as he just lives that beauty.... like initially it makes you wonder cause until him you dint know that there was smthing as beauty of the nite sky.....

it was only living him love the beauty of the nite sky did you realize how beautifully magical it truly is.....

like no sound nothing not a word and he is just there sleeping under the sky looking up at the sky and just smiling and when he feels you were lost in him the waay he points out at the white birds flying across.... and calls them stars flying stars across the sky.....

cause they were white.....

like to just hear him talk smting that random and that beauuuuuuuuutiful was smthing else.....

the waay he then would point out the constellations and asks you hw come you never noticed it....

there are many things bout life and mostly love that you dint know bout until Him...

like what it was to live someone as beauuuuuuuuutifully easy as you breathe.....

like that beauuuuuuuutifully simple and yet that big of smthing that could possibly change you and your life only for the better, for the best....

like you remember even when he asks you that you actually look up and realize haan nai never really noticed.... and then get back to what you loooooooved living the most......

and that one wider beauuuutiful smile of his comes with a nod how you just got back to liiving him again......

there was nothing that you would look more hear more feel more live more looooooove more than Him...

still is !!

every lil detail of him the waay initially he would just lose himself in a moment and then that beauuutiful lil lil transformations the lil smile to that one wonder look of his wondering what smthing was and then realizing what it was then to show you what he just realized and then to see you living him more than what he was trying to show you......

it was like you dint want to miss out on a single moment of living him.....

like why look away when you had him there to live......

like it just used to hold awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay all of you and HOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like you cant move dont wanna move or look away..... that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully held by his presence......

like to feeeeeel yourself lose all of you in that beauuuuuuuuuuty of him !!!!!!!!!

again from where to where only the writing went i say......

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