Monday 27 May 2019

Just smthing !!

last few days have been this beautiful turmoil of a zillion things Him......

the more you try to get a hold on your mind just so you dont slip back into that negative space of mind like you did last year same time around.... cause it took almost all of you to get yourself pull yourself back to normalcy.....

like you are doing your best.... with work with plans and then there is that beauty of the world you live of Him the sec you shut your eeyes......

a completely different world to which you live as you wake up....

the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he is just there...... and for you now its like that world is your mind just cause you miss him that bad its like your escape now.... just so smthing in you gets filled with his presence... to get you going with the day next....

its getting all weirder writing this state of mind now also why you chose to stay away from writing out your mind only...... and then this happens - His music......

the sec you hit a play on this one track just the beat the sound eyes shut and everything him starts to play.... every detail of him almost every memory of him every moment of liivng him zoooomed in like those few mins of living his beauuuuuuuuuty in a zoooomed in mode with his shying away smtimes watching you live him live his beauuutiful details..... and then shutting his eyes away for a bit letting you live him as much as you could and the waaaay you wnated too......

after a day like today or days rather to just live this beauty of some moments like these - highest level of peace calm and everythig HIM.......

this one ting every single time when you live him this way with his sound playing.......

how truly TRULY lucky i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kabi lagta charlie is it bout the chase that people prefer more when it comes to love and not the stay that much.....

His music this beauuuuutifully formless like almost on a flight of your own.......

like you dont wanna think anything else feel anything else like not look farther than just where you are... jsut so the reality dosnt touch you like you know pulling yourself away from that part of reality and swaying closer to where it feels more real.... more yours !!

His music second after Him that one perfect hideout of yours..... with him in him was your most loooooooooooooooved hideout i say..... second now His music......

losing yourself and smtimes finding yourself back again....!

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