Wednesday 22 May 2019

going farther !!!!!!

there is that thing charlie knowing smthing and then not being prepared to feeeel the intensity of how it can yet again make you feel.....

like you must have written a this time being last one for more than a thousand times......

like it dosnt even make sense writing it out now....

but the way again even smthing on a pro acc being blocked was the hardet push......

like literally being thrown out kinda push.....

wit that weird ashamed guilt write him a sorry and end it there.....

after this it will be only understanding how to and where to change yourself from here on......

its like everytime you cry and then keep that self talk on never crying after this never again.....

and same goes for today too....

you must know when to stop and this for you is the now....

to stop !

just stop !

kaiku ittti takleeef hoti har baar nai maloom......

imagine how thinsg change that fast and to that level.....

wanting you to be the first one to know to being blocked from seeing that too.....

itself says it all nai shouldve known this understood this longback.....

again your mistake alone, he has always been thsi clear bout you in his life.....

it was your mistake, always !!!!!!!!!!

this mind, this you, changing hoping to change itall from now..... no matter what and how the dream feels to know its in your mind.....

its your mind !!!!!!!!!!!

this push nai everytime charlie bhot takleeef hoti...... the more you think of it aur zyada takleef hoti.....

koi karle aisaa, uneee nai karna thaa bas !!!!!!

imagine of all the people in the world to be hated THIS bad by him..... this badly disgusted by your presence !!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS BAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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