Monday 13 May 2019

His spaces...

when you hear smthing that makes you feel smthing like there have been many a times that youve heard people around you your friend her friends friend and so on talk bout love and all that jazz.... like how they met and all of that....

but never for once it made you feel smthing like you eventually end up giving a deaf ear and ignore the most part of it cause honestly charlie it dint even sound like love....

maybe cause Him and with his way and definition of love, your perception bout love did become his way too !!

like the only love you know is His love i say..... always been this way now !!

then there was this situation here her talking bout how the distance kept growing and despite of that family differences and all of that it eventually did fit in that perfectly.... like it was meant to be, they were meant to be....

and just listening to her talk up the volume of his music and live your own story in your mind......

no matter which story you come across, yours will always be the most beautiful one i say !!

cause its nothing like you hear see or even read, cause nothing of it has Him in it !!!!!!!

its just in your own story...

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeeeeee the adooooooorablest one in the world i say !!!!!!!!!!!

and that makes you the luckiest and today thooo you can even say it out, still the luckiest :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

and this one ting on your fone in between the design discussion it was a text from your friend some pic of yours and the sec you see it it was from weeks or month back in your streeet.....

looking up at the previous apartment standing in your most loooooooooooooved streeet....

looking at His corner lived the most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful moments of love there.... to that streeet itself ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that beauuuuuuutiful versions of his love right there on that streeet in his acr...... smtimes being your love smtimes being that one adooooooorable kid that just wanted to be loved and comes over to just sleeep on your lap with his music playing.....

like there were times charlie when you seee him late in the evenings again SMHINGSSSSSSSSSSSSS you write !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooo yahhhhhhhhh despite of being together the complete day inthe eveningtoo when he comes over that one rushhhh to hold him chuumiiiiiiiiii him awaaaaaay but the waaaaaay him being that adooooooooooorable kid mode he usedto be in.....

the sec you get in the car drives the car at the end of the street and stops  and that rush in you turn towards him to chummiii him away and before you even know he is there on your lap just holds your hand and sleeeps.....

ups the volume of his music.... and just bes that way for smtime...

no word no talk nothing at all.....

just him being his beauuuuuuuuuuuutiful adooooooorable best that he could possibly be....

and for you that  time was living him the most without any interruption or without having to look away cause he moves your face like nothing of that.... ike you can just be running you rhand in his hair and just live him and adooooooooooore him the more you live him......

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa writing wrting howwwwwwwwwwwwwww only YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU wre missed YOU cutieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

abiiiiiiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uskuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu geeeeeeeeeliest chummmiiii lag jaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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