Friday 17 May 2019

where to where only !!!!!!!

again what you wnated to write and where it all went agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain why you prefer staying away from writing....but aaj thoo it was smthing else that you wanted to write out....

this thing bout reliving some moments through the day i swear..... and where all it can take your mind too !!!!!!

this very state of mind of being this zoned out bout what actually you wanted to write and where it landed i say.....

but smtimes i guess its best to jsust write out the confusion too.... not that it works on making it clear but at least you know achaaa thats how confused your mind is at !!

thats how mean you just got there....

thats how lame foolish you got ther eby asking someone random how do you make love stay.....

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