Monday 13 May 2019

When music becomes life i say !!

last nite writing writing you pass out only to live a day like today......

no matter what be it then or now or the in between......

His music i say now is your life now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like theres nothing in the world absolutely nothing at all that makes you come alive the waaaaaaaaaaaaay his music does.... thats after Him ofc !!

its just smthing THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS beautiful charlie !!!!!!!!!!

like you cant write out define or express out in words the waaaaaay it makes you feel or the waaaaaay it just is your life now....

its that one space where you can just beeeeeeee yourself.... like awaay from the world from everything else and that beauuuuuuutifully closer to just Him.....

like no matter where you are what you are doing its like thanos snap of a finger and everything changes bassssss just like that i say.......

one snap of a finger one snap of a sound of his music and eveything around you in you changes awaaaaaaay and HOW !!!!!!!!!!!

like in a sec that beauuuuuutifully held by him and taken off n awaaay from the world, just like his presence used to.....

like you see him and basssssss gone i say !!!!!!!!!

mind, inside outside, all of you that beauuuuuuuutifully just lost.... all you can feel see live loooove breathe is Him.....

like anything around or above or beneath, everything just disappears.....

all that stays is him bas that beauuuuuuuuutifully him !!!!!!!!

and daaaaaaaaamn for passing out last nite when you that baaaadly wanted to write the day.....

but the waaaay this beauty of today happens......

and today as magical as it was last nite this beauuutiful wind in teh air today.....

today though much happier much calmer and like you can feeel the insides of smiling that biggest smile possible.....

can just that strongly baaaaadly feeeel all of you on the inside smiling !!!!!!!!!! 

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