Friday 31 May 2019

Sukoon 2 !!

the sec you are up that one state of mind you were in like it was almost noon kinda morning cause been just a few hours that you had slept for and you were still that sleepy but the sec you smell him over your hand that one weird missing alone feeeling.....

like it makes you feel all weird cause you couldnt find him around....

rush out of your room and your mom was sitting out over the fone with someone and you sleep on her lap....

she hangs up the call asking if you were okay n all and you just adjust and try to sleep over her lap.... a few secs or mins it was... and you get off saying whoo same sukoon walii feeel nai arri.....

and get off back to your room.....

only much after waking up do you realize what you did and said......

your mom asking what you were talking bout same sukoon that same body palm moment i say kidar jaake chupppu wali feeeeeeel......

ignore the talk away....

but that one feeeeeeeeeel stays......

he did make you all His and HOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that one sukooooooooooooooon with and over him......

like nothing else in the world....

there was that looooooooooove in his loooooooove charlie that wasnt just whoo love love wala love or hmm wala love.....

like there were those beauuuutiful versions of it....

on days he would hold you in the hmmmmmst way and you knoowww can feeeel its the hmm love and on daaaaaays just when you were lost on that fatherly love thing like smthing at home and you are disturbed or jus by your face he could tell you were lost or when just like that suddenly that one daddy in him takes over and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he used to take your face in his hands......

like literally all your face in his hands including your huge cheeks over his palm and then watch you with that THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT much love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

duniyaaaaaa he mil gayiiiiiiii  i sweaar !!!!!!!!

over his lap that sukoooon of mind was nothing like youve even experienced with your mom......

it was smthing else !!!!!!!!!!!

that love of his charlie like he would smtimes say nothing and ekdum seee take your face in his hands like you are talking smthing or he is driivng to somewhere and suddenly would stop and just look at you and then take your face in his hands and just be......

its like the more you were with him the more you lived it was like drawing you closer to him..... like it was making you feeeeeeel that feeeeeel of you are all him !!!!!!!!!!!

it was like the more he touched you the more he just looked at you bhi the more you just lived him it was all making you more His.....

as writing out you know you shouldnt but like today you just neeed to ......

that one father love is prolly the biggest  thing a girl hopes wishes and needs in life.....

cause its that secure comfort that she finds in her father that is like nothing she can ever find again in herlife....

but for you that one thing has always been missing like you remember missing it the most even after the incident cause you missed that one support that one care that you needed the most then.....

that one feeel of feeling the most secure that did come from and with him....

like ever since the start with Him you felt the most secure and then soon the MOST loved.....

like there used to be a you side that wanted to poooooooooooora eat him up and then there used to a you side that loooooooooved being loved as a daddy by him... without him even knowing bout it cause you never told him bout it.....

like you dint want to make him feeel that just cause he found a mommy in you you wanted to have that daddy in him...

but he did become that already in your life....

that one place he did win over in your life.... of your father....

that one man that made you feel the most secure the safest youve ever felt in life.....

and the MOST loved in life !!!!!!!!

every singgle time he held your face in his hands and looked at you in that moment there was that sense of forever love like its this is how it will always be..... like that moment you live like that feeeeeeling you live with him like that love you live in his eyes in him as he just looks at you in that moment like that smthing will never change in life no matter what !!!!!!!

it was that beautiful assurance in that moment.....

like you know holding someone over like holding that moment holding that love and taking it over in your hands and keeping it that way kinda vibe....

mind i say pooooora lost kyaaaaaa likneeeeeee ka where its going only !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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