Sunday 5 May 2019

His places part 2!!

some habits you actually thank yourself for everytime you live him in his places......

that one looooooooove call it madness cal it whatever but that one some level of passion looooooooove smthing to just live him t olive his presence.....

no matter where you are eyes glued on him i say.....

goes to order smthing getting tickets or just walking up to the washroom and cming out your eyes that losttttttttttttt in him living him living his lilst of details.....

even over coffee sipping away him talking smthing you that just that lostttttttt in him......

it was smthing else charlie.....

to just live him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa the way his lips would move as he talks smthing and then smile over smthing to just looking around and ten realizin you wer lost in him and then howwwwwwwwwwwwwwww his expression his smileeeeeeee his face his body language would that beauuuuuuuuutifully transform.....

to slowly moving his eyebrows askig you sup bey just cause you were that lostttttt in him......

the waaaaaaay it would make him happy in a way and also shyyyyyy him that bad....

but to you those moments that him to live him - WORLD i say !!!!!!!!!

LIFE I SAY !!!!!!!!

no wonder now no matter which place it is of his that one feeeeeeeel of hsi presence still there even years after in his absence......

gvk being one of them.....

every corner of that place that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifuly laced with different beauuuuuuutiful versions of his love.....

jabiii uskuuu waise moments mein dektii nai charlie that one feeel there was him in public places guarding you awaaay making sure not a single finger even comes close to you leave alone touchin away in public.....

like he would that beauuuuutifully hae his one hand ahead of you holding the bar side pe just soooo nobody comes close to you and cross that bar.....

to just walking a lil behind you once out of the movie just so his arms could be around you againn guarding you awaaay and once it gets lil less busy that adooooooooorably move his arm a lil awaaay and then in ishaara asking you to hold his arm now......

hard rock one of the most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful memories lived there.....

like today tooo you just stop the car get in to get a click of the stairs and the se cyou see some gang of guys coming out you rush out without the pic.... to the ccd bak then spot another most beauuuuutiful moment version of his love of his trust lilved there......

the waaaaaaay he just knew you knewwww how you wuold feeel react in moments.....

like that one strong trust or whatever it was in you..... to just knowwwwwww you will come back for Him.... that day !!

the waaaaaaaaaaay he was just standing there charlie looking in the door direction like he for sure knewww youll come back for him......

and the sec he sees you running towards him that one adoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorable khushiiiii on him ekdummm se to the waaaaaaaaaaaaay he takes you awaaaay in his arms that one moment of MISSED YOU lived and felt and howwwwwwwwwwww in just the waaaaaaay he holds you awaaaaaaaay......

like that one sec you see him standing there that one highest level of khushiiii to just seeee that moment there.... to knowwww what you felt in that moemnt bout how he felt bout you walking awaaaaaay was that strong and right.... the waaay he was standing there waiting for you and the sec you hold him that one same waaaaaaaay taken off n awaaaay by him !!!!!!!!

the more you write now that moment the more THIS feeeeeeling !!!!!!!!

gvk i swear those corners of that place and THAT much him lived there.......

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