Sunday 12 May 2019

To value Love...

its not bout seeing it as what you lost you tend to love it more.....its when you knowww what that love is you tend to feel it this way bout seeing someone else miss it.....

how could they not value a love like that one ?!

like it literally makes you wanna go walk upto the one and make her realize what she is missing out on and how lucky she truly TRULY did get in life.....

that she could make him stay.....

make him wanna stay, make him hold onto her.... make him feeeeel that way of not wanting to lose her in life.....

like how lucky truly to get that finally from Him...

its just that feeeeeeel charlie from back then the proudest the luckiest youve felt in life.... to have him, to have him love you, to have his love just for you and HOW !!!!!!!!

it was that beautifully weird state of mind that you experienced strangely oddly enough there was no jealousy or any of those negative vibes but that one feeeeeeeeeeling how could they not see it and value it and make their own.....

like HOW !!!!!!!!!

then that theory maybe is right that balance of love and not to love tooo much..... cause then it goes for granted.... also his adoooooooooorable words for real once when in some chat he actually says it cause he knows you will be there it all gets that much easier for him to walk away knowing youll always be there anyway.... and then in some dream talks bout a similar but adoooooooorable version of it when he says tuich bigaadi merku.....

its strange no charlie.....

like how do you balance out how much to love also one thing you could never understand or design yourself to love him that way.... like not to love too much and just bout that much - wala love !!

there is that reality on one side and again there is that other beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful reality of your life now which is your actual reality - to you alone.....

the other reality that you live like this now that you are is not real its not what and how it is... like all of this that happens and all of that is not real..... the sec you shut your eye that world is yours, that world is your ultimate reality.....

the world thats more real than the actual real possibly be !!

like that your actual real world....

and this youve that strongly felt when for the other real you feel otherwise.....

like that one thing how someone truly lucky could just get like that.... wrong sentence but lets go with it it was exactly the same jumbled up reaction words that were rushing through your mind.......

and not a hint of jealousy also smthing that still writing now amazes you.....

maybe this is when and how it proves he did become your ultimate bestfriend for life... the only One !!

no wonder to just knowwwwwwwww finally found someone that he wants to hold onto and not wanting to lose, did make you feel in the other way and not the much expected or obvious reaction way.....

HOW truly lucky i say...!

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