Tuesday 3 May 2022


 Right from last nite last few nites his presence and the waaaay it takes over not just your mind but all of you away that beauuuuuutifullu!!!!

There are these grades of missing him charlie like living his presence in shadows glimpses just touch smell hint of his presence whispers sounds his voice saying something just making you feel hua presence close to you around you when asleep and then there are these dreams of his lately like upclose zoomed in version of his face like you turn side and there he is nose that close to yours eyes that close like you blink and you'll touch his lashes away breath that all you can feel live breathe is his like that close to you and the waaaaaaay he lets you live his details first like you know assuring yourself of his presence and lets you do that just smiling that one ONE smile of his as you just live his details to the most and only after you are done loking around his details and go back to looking in his eyes and that's when he holds you awaaay like lietrallu off n away off the bed in that flight of his arms away last jite toooo again when you justttttt can't write out the moment when you thissss badlu want to!!!!!

It was that moment charlie u rush and wakeup still asleep and that presence ofbhis still around over u like you could still sniff his presence away like he was still there and it wasn't just a dream or just your mind like he was avtual mein there.....

Something's you write and this beautiful mix of madness and dreams i say!!!!!

How do you even write outbstuff like these reading it know it was a dream but to you that moment in that moment you just knowwwwwww how it felt like how strongly you felt his presence with and THAT close to you!!!!!

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