Sunday 29 May 2022

The you!!!!

 Ever since the waking up today the rush through you his face his smile his smel the touch his closeness from the dream you just weren't the usual you!!!!!

Itvwas the same feeeling charlie backnthen after meeting him youbcome home and try your best to stay downstairs in the apartment just so you could be normal again that rush of him just was different most beautifully different!!

The smile like your mom could see sense it in your after she noticed that change you made sure to look away stay away from home for as long as you felt lilst normal....mainly cause itwas the gaps in between like meet him after a while and then come back home with that him high state still....where post one meet he even texts you soon after dropping you home asking you to stay down for a bit cause he could see it in your face too....

Didn't know how what change they would see like make out of it but today as after years youfeeo the same way like you actually met him and straight head to the washroom and that face charlie that one face after longest time....the Khushi on your face was different there was that smile with that flashes of him from the dream itvwas different...

He makes you come alive like nothing else's like suddenly you are pumped with that much life ekdum seee!!!!

Every sense in you that fully awake rushing gushing through you!!!!!

Mom over breakfast comments kuch tho hai bhotbsaal baad saw you like this and leaves it at that!!

Didn't have the slightest idea charlie how seeing him in random story could make you feel all this away...

When he mentioned bout how long it's been in your head it still didn't feel that longncause you live him his presence his love 0retty much every other day....but it's only when you see his presence that way do you actual mein realise it has been the longest time ever till date having not seen him for real!!!!

Like from last week to just hear his voice in that dog video of his to thus one seeing him for real with his voice his same smile it all just felt something else......years it has been!!!!!

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