Monday 30 May 2022


 And when you thought photography pictures is all there is to it you had to witness the beauuuuuty sheeerr beauty of him to move sway smile awaaaay that smile that worked like magic.....

And it did this time too and how!!!!

When you had to be at work like you couldn't skip it cause the manager took the day off the store keeper took the day off and you had to be there cause of the prior commitments!!!

At the studio playing his music out loud and sorting the place dusting off like in your head there is this self talk know you are trying your best to divert your mind but the waaaaaaaay him smiling moment keeps playing on looop...

Anddddddd merkuuu nai maloom charlie kya ho jaata be it back then him smiling and the waaaaay it just makes you feel on the inside likebto just live him smile that smile makes the insides smileee away the biggest widest smile possible how like that didn't make any sense back then or didn't decade later today either....

Akele akele taking studio snippets dusting away with that one smile of his playing on loop to the sound of his music...and somebwork doubt you had to head downstairs to the workshop!!!

The zardozi team messed up a design client order completely and you had to change the design and ask them to redo it again and the way the zardozi master asks you if it was your birthday or something cause you looked happy as you didn't react not even the slightest with the major messup as that one!!

Smile away and head back to the studio!!!!

U are strict at work with work when it comes to getting the sample pieces done getting the client order right like you keep a check on the quality and the designs being done apart from the design bit...

And today this mind charlie like evrything just feeeeels this gooood in your just happy!!!!

Every moment almost evry other second thatvone visual of him smiling the Beatty of a moving image of a video of a live moment is something else ...

Especially when youve lived a gap of that many years and then to watch him move smile in motion sway away tobsome beat it's like lving that presence for real , in real it's just a video but in your head it's brings back the actual presence of someone like they are right there before you for real in motion.....

To experience this was something else, no wonder what his presence used to do to you back then!!!!!

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