Friday 27 May 2022

Echo of a dream...!

 This thing bout dreams charlie, like you know you miss someone but living a moemnt living some feeel living a presence in a specific way makes you miss that something recall that something that same feeeel reconnect you with that same or similar memory that you may have lived!!!!

The same happened happened with this one too the way just talking to him for that long bout random things autoparts how the car works how the engine works how does an automatic gear work and stuff like that with him answering away each one of them....including dumb ones which you do doubt for real and you ask him away was your most self thighht doubt but always forget to Google it away and instead ask him away in the dream how a luxury car is still that badly wanted even if it's a two seat drive like what it makes it special and something else too....

Like talking to him asking him stuff made you miss talking to him having those conversations of curiosity with him cause you loved it and HOW!!!!!!

Every curious thing you would notice around or come across or something you've always had a doubt bout asking him away and being that sure of him having the answer to ti was beautiful!!!!

His voice sounds he would make with some laughter sarcastic comments his adooooorable childlike chuckle his silent smiles to that first tone of his voice when he hears your voice for the first time post bup.....the second you say a hello and he knew it was you when out for some holiday over the mountain where he didn't even have your number saved but just by your voice after that long too knew 8t was you!!!!!

And you end up reading the chats starting with the recent one and that feeeel shouldn't have!!!!!

It's just the waaaay it made you feel!!!!

Ekdum seee!!!!!

He didn't sound too happy bout you still being around you not having moved on and still in love with him....

It's that feeeling of thoppimg yourself away on someone is where you felt what you looked like!!!!!

A lil frustrated a lil unhappy with you still having messaged him being in love with him!!!!

But this one thing bout conversations that hidden beauty of words like he used to say when writing a script a story the lines of a story is each to its the minds of reader they are all different the way they seee a story read a story is different jaise ki ab tu mera script padhi will be different to that if Soni reads it....your mind will think bout my script in a different way to the way she reads it....

And yours being first he was all that excited to see how your mind perceived his story as!!

Where to where only again it went!!!!!

This thing every single time the mind i tell you!!!!!!!

Soooo yaaah this one time when he mentions you may not like me today as I've changed and just a vice versa without mentioning the whole thing!!

How do you even explain someone it's not your own doing this what how you are is not something uove decided chose as a chouce that you made.....including your mom people around you how do you even go bout telling explaining them!!!!!!

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