Monday 23 May 2022

This you now...!

 Yesterday in that conversation your mom also did mention bout you having the way she mentioned it he did change you completely!!!!

Which he definitely did...!

Last two weeks this one strong misseeeing him that you cang fight or hide away from no matter what the waaaay he is just there dreams moments through yourbday conversations his whispers random most things but the way you just feeel him and that one film of his only added that bit of meaning to it...

It's like you know you love someone why you love them and stuff but in your situation the way it just that beautifully took you back to why he stil meant the way he does in your life.....why you've changed why it all still means that much to you why his place him still the priority in your life!!!!!

He did mention in the chat open up to someone else start dating and stuff if only you could tell him cause in situations conversations like these even if you do when the other isn't interested it sounds and gets all pushy there's no point!!!!!

And you just leave it at that!!!!

It's like his film got back evrything right from the start what you shared with him was beyond anything else!!!!!!

Wasn't ordinary!!!!!!!

Today a like this one ever since that film the waaaaay lilst of things bout him rush through you it's like reminding you reconnecting with the most loved time of your life with the most loved person of your life!!!!!

Today one of those days agun where you felt THAT much him rush through your day right from the very start...

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