Saturday 28 May 2022


 From that moment of seeing him to coming out and having to leave for the event was the biggest and most dificult choice you had to make.....

That sound n smell inthe air suddenly head out and it was raining and HOW!!!!!!

TIMING i tell you it was!!!!!

The you the mind inside you outside you all of you felt that tarbformed suddenly like the smile on you your mom n her biry at once ask you isn't she suddenly smiling too much abnormally!!!!!

It just wouldnt go the waaaay that boomerang smileeeee of his plays on loop every time you blink to the way he moves and looks that sexy overall evry bit of him all of him is all you could hear feel live still do!!!!!!

It's the the HIM just took over all of you away and HOW!!!!!!;

To the rains out adding that bit of tadka to already what you were feeeeling away!!!!!

Finally head out and the playlist evrything him with all those moments playing on loop with the smile glued that bad in your face and that one question from her did you speak to Chetan or something cause honestly never seen you this happy ever before!!!!!

It's that ting bolkeee realisation was your face that evident of what you were feeeling onnthe inside....

Him in whites charlie!!!!!

Has your heart and poooora you!!!!!

That THAT many memories.....

Initially your love for him in that white n blue striped shirt andbyou tell him how much y9u loved him in that and he mentions bout this white shirt that he had but he wasn't that sure if it looked good onhim and you insist on him wearing it and the second you see him in white shirt and you wear his fav white kurta on you ayaaaa some moments when you realise you twinned with him long back then itself!!!!!

And a zillion times already!!!!!

Something's intell you, exactly why when feeeelin this high on him this one LOVE to just wr9te it out the way he evrything Him just flows through you!!!!!

Sooo yahhh that day to see him first time in white shirt and a moment and you tell him it's his color and he needs to wear it more often.....there is that beauty of him that comes in whites....

That sense of purity love innocence strangeky passion too.....cause the way you felt for him first time in white felt different and this again just by yourbgace he tells you chal Aaj opera jayinge and that one look in your eye cause he did sense that in you!!!!

It's this beauuuutiful mix of feeeels that he looks like in whites.....he looks that deliciously pure!!!!!!

Even writing and reliving him from thise moments be it back then or today in that story this feeeeeeel this rush right now!!!!!!!

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