Tuesday 10 May 2022

This morning...

 From suddenly waking up from that mirror moment with him to taking a screenshot of the same wallpaper in that very moment with mind stiffl half asleep but you just had to....cause he was just there with you in that moment your mind your heart n soul still there with your other self trying to hold that moemnt still asleep it was that beautifully weird....

Like def one of the most trippiest dream moemnts that youve lived that gets intertwined with your present moment and HOW!!!!

To this morning one almost on the same lines.....like you are overlooking the same meadows yellow and white blooms with that pink tone of gulmiahrs scattered around and you hear him running joto you closer with 5hat distant sound of his voice getting cleark3r as he comes closer but in those moments like yovve trained your sleep mind to not to rush cause strangely weirdly like even in that moemnt of the dream you somehow know any sudden moemnt and he would disappear again....only when his voice feels sounds that closest to you u turn slow and ayyaaaaaaaaa your heart right there all over his face him in looking his gorgeous bets in that tone of mustard shirt with 5hat aoooooorable chuckle he asks you lookimg at your hands tu kya layi mere liye... Again in that same tone of his voice the way he used to ask you the same in those meets at his other flat....

But in the moemnt this morning the way he asks you felt more like he was there for you like he brought himself there for you and now what's for him what did you bring for him...

Some moemnts some visuals even writing and relc8ng it now this feeeeeeel!!!!!!!

Almost lifetime of wait for that one face that one in the world for you!!!!!!!!!

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