Monday 30 May 2022

Just time...!

 Like from that moment suddenly it was like something in you just shifted the energy the vibe of realising the biggest mysterybof life i say!!!!!

That one moment of hope wish surity to just realise to just feel n know to be together and it was that sudden rush in you to go running no matter where he was!!!

Some moments nai like you just donno why you felt the way you felt but it was that gut strong wali feeeel...

In between the appointments the smile on your face and the smile of his playing still playing even as you write and relive it now.....the way it was just there like it was making the clients smile back at you cause that's how beautifully lost you were in your head....

Finally for some fabric work you head out in traffic and right opposite this mall that you always forget name of but has the bookstore crossword and evry single time you see the mall it's the memory of the inorvit mall wala crossword where he takes you out first time still as friends holds your hand at the escalator and into the bookstore.....

And you tell him how alien the place seemed to you cause never before did you ever visit a bookstore.... him chuckles away and asks you to just look around and tell him what you liked or what got your attention his terms he meant was a book him looking around your eyes living his presence away....

Thise initial days with him still as friends him trying his best to give away hints of his love for you and trying to understand the first time feels rushing through you....

Of all the faces why your eyes loved living every bit of his presence the way it usedbto make you just happppy....

To just see him walk around in the store that day where initially he looks ar9und for a few books for his sister and then keeps lookijgnat you beech beech mein in ishaara asking away what you looking at....and you try to look around and act busy and not constantly staring at him as you turn around and see him watching this Megan fox mag and tell him hot nai and he just abruptly puts it back and you tell him it's okay she is hot and that one adoooooorable smile on him for thebdirst time prolly you see that one!!!!!

He gets back to browsing books and you look around for book and he comes close turns the book around from your hand and shows you how to know the context of the book by reading it at the book and you don't say a word and the way he smileeeees away saying there's always a first time nothing wrong bout that!!!!

It's the lilst of things charlie that makes the entirety of someone makes you wanna love them more.....the lilst of things that they are made of that defines them that makes you wanna love them even more...

In your head all those lilst of details of his was making you live him more like you know like the closeness of his love the occasional stares of his love the way he would wait for you post gym and insist on those coffee dates later to those random chats in between workouts heading out downstairs to just be bit by bit the way he seek3d familiar like you always knew the one closeness that familiar thatvone face that one feeeeeeeel of him that familiar.....

Even writing it now this rush again!!!!!;;

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