Friday 20 May 2022


 An incident can change your life in more ways than one can imagine....

It's different person to person for some get over easy for some it sticks through your life and then that's when you need that one someone in your life that changes transforms that memory of your life gives it a new meaning almost makes it disappear like it never happened in your life and that's exactly what he had said....I couldn't do anything back then as I wasn't there with you, now that am here I'll make sure you are never reminded of that feel of that memory of your life in any way and I'll make sure about that.....

U didn't need or ask for any assurance nothing you didn't question your safety with him it was just that fear of touch that fear of closeness even your mom accidentally without you knowing comes and holds you fr behind that fear is still there it never was with him or your manger through some conversation touches your shoulder or puts her hand over over your shoulder that fear still there...

With him him sitting close to you on the steps you felt strange cause you didn't fear his presence that close to you despite of him being the first guy you lived that space with in your life....

Like him sitting close to you talking bout something and you still wondering how you were scared or didn't have that fear of his presence like it instead filled something in you filled that void like you felt different for the first were happy differently happy how his face the sound of his voice the sound of his chuckle the presence of his him walking around just the whole being of his was making you happy like yohve never felt before......he could see it in your eyes the way with every passing day he would definitely never miss out on mentioning you look different again today and that one smile soon after as he says it it was beautiful the way he would mention it almost every day like he could see that change in you with evry passing day.....and just had to tell you the same!!!!

Something's you write and relive the exact moment that sound of his voice and thus one sudden khushiiiii it fills you up with!!!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh HIM THE HIM i tell youuuu charlieeeee!!!!!!!

Gay banadetaaaa thaa une tumkuu!!!!!!!

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