Tuesday 3 May 2022

Sound, sounds!!


That one most fav place in the world I say apart from the his spots in Hyderabad!!!!!

That one meeeet the way even years after still this feeeeels just reliving a moment or two.....from that question of his bout smoking his psy beedi and you just nod away saying never after him and that excitement on his face with that one bigghh smile of his hwen he is too happy bour something like something just made him feel so proud bout something sense of achievement kinda adooorable kid smile and you sure knew next thing was to make you have it again.....rolls one up and without giving the psy beedi directly his way of you taking it in with his breathe....

It's that feeeeeeel charlie that very moment you still remember it very clearly that first gush of it hitting your mind through the smoke to just see him looking you in the eye to check if you did get it.....to just see him be with him that very first moemnt looking around his place with that tint3d glass roof that you loved to watching him walk ulta with face towards you and taking those ulta steps cause he just wanted to live your presence and you that rush of being alone with him after that long in a different city altogether the first feeels could t look him in the eye and that second when you do and realise that feeeel you already were that high on him with his music still playing in the background....

There was that feeeeeeel charlie of his presence all of you feeling that rush evry bit of you living his presence even be it him just standing there talking random things bout stuff over his fridge looking into the knick knacks and him telling you bout it and that one look at him and gone!!!!!!!

It's the way it hits your mind senses nerves away in one go!!!!!!

Still that beautifully still on the outside and inside there is that tornado slowly building swirling bout to rush away!!!!!! Kinda feeel!!!!

Mind this mind now!!!!!!!

Where to where it only went !!!!!!

Like always!!!!!!!

That one meeeeet!!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeee how only you were missed abhi ke abhiiiii!!!!!

If only you knew!!!!!!!!

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