Wednesday 25 May 2022


 Some dreams and the feel they can leave you with is something else!!¡!!

All of the nite this one dream continuation same visual same scene in the middle of nowhere hilly area with meadows all around and the car breaks down ...

Him fixing it in his same great tone shirt as his arri t shirt from back then....talking something to you as he fixes the car and you just live that beauuuty of him from the back view!!!!!

And this one moment as he struggles with that long hair flicks of gorgeousness you go close pin it up from the back and he just lays his face over your arm for a second and gets back to fixing the car.....

In those moments that constant wait for him to turn around just so you could see him his chukcles him going karely this karely that with conversations and your zillion questions bout the different car parts and stuff.....

The sound of the alarm very faintly that you can almost hear and you tell him jaldi jaldi and he goes bas it's almost done will be with you in few mins bas almost done almost done.....

And this strange thing you see to the side as it comes closer to you with the sound of alarm growing closer and the way it all starts to blur out as you move to the other side with that wait eyes glued on him to just turn towards you to just seeeee him as you are being dragged to the other side like almost sound waves taking you on the other side and you just see his side face with him smiling that smile and still talkingnto you something and you wake up.....

That one wait THAT one wait all night to even after the waking up to just see him today was something else!!!!!!!!

This feeeeeeling that wait still stuck on your mind!!!!!!

Like it just doesn't go away it's been a while now but something's on some days hit you differently nai.....

Today this morning's dream was one of those.....

This feeeeel even now as you relive that wait and write out!!!!!!!!

That one him in the world for you I say!!!!!!

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