Sunday 15 May 2022

Moments n flashes!!

 There are these moments charlie where you are living a certain moment and suddenly you hear those whispers echo of his voice conversations of a moment similar to the one you are currently living...

And suddenly you drift back in time like feel yourself lose sense of the presence and the mind slowly all of you back in time living reliving that moemnt with him again like all of you completely back in time with him relcing that moemnt it's like he just held your hand and took you to that specific moment and living it away with him instead of the present moment...

Same happens with the game time too you are very very bad at both badminton n tennis now as it's been years but you like that time out from work and just on your own with the music playing his way like the driver now knows soon as you are there to leave the door open and you play the music and back to the court...

Ev ery single time that one flash of the same vibe coming out of the supermarket back then below the gym and you see him in his car parked right infront of the store with one door open Fink playing and waiting for you without even telling you he was going to.....

Soon as you are he comes out sit with your on the steps that was your chill time with him post that one routine one reason one bahana to spend time together post gym chai cogee and sometimes to just be with him.....

The flow of knowing him everytime you recall the way it was with that much ease liek you always knew him were used to that closeness of his used to that presence of his beside you!!!!!

Something's you write and thus sudden feeeeeeeeel it fills you up with!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeee some misssssing this turned out to be!!!!!!!

I swear charlie if only he had the slightest of idea how he has been missed all this while and most importantly tonity5 ever since evening for that matter!!!!!!!

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