Sunday 15 May 2022

Him the Johnny Bravo!!

 Exaaactly why this has become your current most fav thing to watch now before bed even be it for a bit!!!!

Him with lucky to this moment today from his story it’s like throug the series too the way the lil Johnny comes up with stuff along with his dog and those moments with him around his lucky ayyaaaaa such an adooorablr resemblance!!!!!

This one you always wanted to work on writing wise, Him n his lucky and their mini adventures!!

It’s those moments when you see that adooooooorable kid come out of him it’s a beautiful feeeeling to live him charlie in such moment’s!!!!

Cause there’s that beautiful mix of feeels watching him living him look act behave that adoooorable around lucky or this dog today from story as lilst of things amuse him is when you get confused bout how or which version of his to love more…

To that mix of feeeld again as you see the hairdo that moment of setting his hair the same way at Versova house…..resting your hand over his knee setting his hair up same way and let’s you do it living you as you do, only after you are done messes it up again and that one look wanting you to do it again…..

From that distance of time to that moment of being close to him that day in that moment only after a few attempts the way he holds you away!!!!!

Something’s you relive and write and from where to where only it went again!!!!!!

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