Sunday 29 May 2022


 This one lil one sided conversation boutb2 weeks back or something.....

At the studio taking outfit pictures and the manager setting up the outfits in rack n stuff and beech mein she gets a video call from her boyfriend asks you if she could and then heads out and comes back much after.....

Smiling away still texting and then comes around chatting bout the fight they had and stuff and most of the times conversations to do with relationships and stuff you always let the ears go numb for a bit or just switch to earpod mode with volume up.....

Obvsly before her you couldn't do all of this and instead pretend like u were busy with the shots m stuff and then she asks you noticinf you ignoring the conversation the first question don't you miss intimacy like see some guy look at you when out and stuff like you don't miss that in life and you get done with pictures and head out for a bit with no reply.....

Yesterday today after the dream through the day when you miss him like this the wayit connects the dots away which you already were well aware of.....

It's like he is always there and yet not there....

There is his presence like the one today thus noon when you wakeup with that feeeeel of having met him it's strange it's weirdly beautiful!!!

It's all still a dream but the way in almost every dream he leaves that hint away like connecting some moemnt from your day answering some doubt of yours away like to make sure to connect the reality bit to the dream it still sounds all madness...

But it's only if you feel things for real do you really understand or can make sense Outta it!!!!

That day when she asked you that randomly without even waiting for your reply cause she just jadbto comment something as was still busy with texting but you didn't really care bout that!!!!

It's that thing charlie like somehow you've grown strong when it comes to dealing with such things like what only affects you arebthings that really matter to you in your life...

If it doesn't matter it doesn't even affect you!!!!!

As far as the idea of intimacy is concerned this one thing having lived him after years cause he never before asbfar as you've seen his stories never before added a video kinda story where he is seen talkingn dancing tonjust live him that way and the waaaay it left your mind with not even for once for a single did you ever feeel anything for another guy the way you do for Him.....

It's like him his presence makesbyou realise that there are other emotions feeeols parts of the body that do exist to be precise!!!!!

Any presence not a single man the way anything bout Him does!!!!!

It's just the way you've always been when it comes to him donno how what or why but has always been thus way!!!!!

The way to just realise how much you missed his or3sence to just realise what it felt like to see him was something else!!!!!

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