Monday 23 May 2022

THAT one thing in life...

 A lil celebration kinda thing over at your place with manager her friend and stuff.....

And over a drink she mentions bout how the bride today had mixed feels just like she has boutbher boyfriend and you ask her if she still had mixed feels with her wedding a month away as she was confused if she loved him....

This has been a norm with most of the to be brides and their conversation talking bout how confusing and difficult love is today....

To you it's been very simple your idea or logic with it goes what takes your attention what is it that you can't replace what is it that you find your home in what is it that takes most of your mind heart and soul away would you fill that space with somebody else it's these things that make up your soul what really defines your soul completes it makes it home like like you can point out and call it your home yes that's it....

It's that simple and yet that complicated!!!!

That first sight of him held you without seeing him to that second time when you finally see him held you again you couldn't take your eyes off him couldn't move say a word hear a word lose sense of place people and time.....

All that was there was him looking at you through the mirror tieing his shoe lace and suddenly stops doing so and instead just stares at you and that was it for you.....

Every moment with him even watching him from a distance being watched by him like the way it all made you feel every step more sure bout him in your life.....even with the distance of years now like that's one thing you are still completely sure bout that one plac of his in your life...

It's when in confusion or being lost close your eyes in that very moment you find yourself surrounded by his arms like that one space one moment closest to him surrounded by him look up him looking at you it's just that space that you see feel and suddenly all 5hat doubt confusion lostness sort of vanishes away.....

It happens when you suddenly miss him in crowd too like today them having conversations and this movie they play again the more times it goes kittuuuu your heart on your face literally where even when the sales guy mentions before your mom bout the name and she goes now this is what we will take nai!!!!

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