Tuesday 10 May 2022

The sound...

 The mood the state of mind you are in and still working while some series playing and this random find of beauty feels like the soundtrack of life i say....

This one beauty of the sound it's this quiet mind still living that rush from morning or mornings rather like it all doesn't make any sense and writing it out only makes you literally read yourself out more lunatic kinds sometimes...

When you know it all when he has been that fucking clear bout how do you even dream feel live all these moemnts live his whispers this clear like THIS clear his voice his words his very exact tone of saying specific things like can't be mistaken with that strong essence of his presence in moemnts that which def your mind is not making up...like you wakeup in that rush to hold him and find yourself alone look around sniff arounf and there's always that strong whiff of his presence still in the air that feeeel of having touched him that you still feel live on your fingertips over your palm like that strong.....

How do you even take these all just to be random a work of your mind or just random dreams!!!!?

Mind that happy sometimes cause a moment a dream made you live that moment wit him that you yearned for the most....made you let you hear his voice that you miss the most let's you listen to that specific tone of his voice just cause you miss him loving you...miss being loved miss being loved by him!!!!!

How do you come off n away from being that loved THAT MUCH loved in a morning in a dream in a moemnt to always finding yourself all by yourself again soon as the eyes open.....

There are these beautiful highs and all it takes is a sound that self reflect mode that makes you realise it was a dream that left you with looking for him all the more soon as you are up!!

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