Monday 30 May 2022


Dreams moments wishes moments lived in the dream and then longed for it in the waking state.....

All these years and more so recently the waaaays he has been coming like every single time there is always that same level of attempt of his trying to assure you of his love and presence in your life... like the moments are not just random ones with happy excited passionate moments they come with lil conversations along like he adds that bit of words throufbthem only after waking up and reliving the dream through the day do you realise what he actually meant.....

Like they definitely can't be random!!!!!

To the moments througbthe day lilst moment of magic out of nowhere that brings him along just when you were missing him in a certain way.....

It's not like you go looking for things but the waaaay they come straight to your face like a big sign board that wanted you to notice it and realise ting bolkeee areee it's to do with him or some memory of his....

Come way tooo far the dream this morning if only you wish you could write out the dream details too without rethinking to write out or notnto or without even edits or filters to just write it all away as felt and lived.... 


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