Tuesday 3 May 2022

Thing bout dreams!!

 This thing bout his dreams and living his presence in a certain way....

Like the up close ones like the recent ones take you back to that one moemnt from the meet at his other place just hoding him his face in your hands living his beauuuuuuuutiful details and you tell him you are beautiful and watch him tranfrorm that very second soon as you say it...to the mostly the versova meet!!

That one day was something else!!!!!

 Closest to your heart and life...!

Him getting Maggie over from the microwave and you note something away on your wave looking at his laptop screen and he comes close peeps in a lil and you try to move away and the waaaaaay he that adooooorably chuckles away as you for fun act like you don't wanna see what you are wrijtng and that adooooorably says a hutt terse kyaa and takes your fone away and checks the note of listing the track names down that wer3 playing that day....

Just looks at you and looks back at the fone and that one smile pushes your head away and that one gentle whisper of howli and looking away and that one smile....

There is that love passion for his music but when it comes to meeting him with his music that's when it's only bout saving him away to that sound that particular sound.....so when you miss him later play the track play the sound and relive him from that very moment has always been your way of filling up all this missing his abs3nce away.....it doesn't really help with all of the missing but in some way it's just that sense of his presence the way he looked in that very moment to that sound the way he moved with the sound the way he was making those beauuutiful trippy waves with his hand to the sound the way he held you with some sound a moemnt to the sound with the sound.....like your waaaays of reliving them over n over again with his sound...

Electric eyes track from back then was one such track with that first bit of closeness as he was laying over your lap to when he comes close the track playing and you actually living that stare of his it's like suddenly all your nerves come alive every single time like you feeeel yourself come back to life all of you in that rush it's like evry bit of feeeeeling the most alive.....

These sounds these moments from the dream to just live him charlie ayyaaaaaaaaa that one Him i say!!!!!!

The second you write singkest word from the versova meet and this state of mind it lands you in fataaak se this very moment this rush of feeeeeels!!!!!!!

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