Wednesday 18 May 2022


 The movie that didn't make any sense back then and decade later you absolutely loved it...

His words, watching eternal Sunshine at his place the first time him sitting holding eating away your hand lietralky and your full focus on the movie cause that was one of his ultimate favs.....ever since Him this one thing to understand the things he loved or liked if not love it fataak understand atleast!!

Back then eternal Sunshine too made lil sense the first time, and the way he keeps going on bout how what a mistake it was to make you sit n watch the movie cause your full focus was on the movie....the irony too was that his music his movies you could only watch or listen to when with him had no other source back then to watch or listen to apart from when with him.....

So there you were in a beautiful fix if to watch the movie or to just turn around and just live him away the way he wanted you to that badly back then in that very moment!!!!!

To when he does something and you just turn to ask him mein nai dekhu movie and the waAaaaay he that adooooorably nods away asking in a way to turn to him and the way he fataaak se lays his head over your lap places your hand over his head and hair and tells you the most beautiful thing bout movies...

You know karely there is this beauty bout movies it feels very different everytime you watch the movie like there is a time zone to it what and how you feel bout a movie you may feel the very same movie very differently years from now...

The very same thing he tells you the night of the Avatar film over the call asking you for the review of the film and you tell him didn't make any sense and the way he hcukles over it and tells you the same thing over again such films you need to watch more than once to let the movie grow with you!!

Evry word only made much more sense...!

Beautiful film the visuals the vibe the while feel of it and more importantly the beauuuuuty oftje moemnts associated with the movie in two different versions!!!!!

Something's can never make any sense nai!!!!!!

He loved you THAT much!!!!!!!!!!

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