Wednesday 18 May 2022

Grow as you Love...!

 This one realisation the more you live moments and feels like these...

One definitely grows as you learn to live and love someone truly!!

It's like a self learning process!!

Last night when feeling the movie and loving the bits that feel of your own self back then the same movie didn't make any sense.....and last night you felt it it's like now youve become more of a vibe person like to feel moments feel the good or bad in things like to truly connect and relate with the real core person that you truly are...

Like know what you truly are kinda thing!!

It's this thing always been there charlie, when you relive things that you lived with him back 5hen be it movies or music the way you feel him it's like he is there in that moment with you the way his conversations that echo of his voice from that very moment with you as you are watching something it's like the movie playing on one side and onthe other same moment that beautiful echo of his voice talking bout the magic of the moving images - films...!

Last nite was something else lights out his music playing lowest volume possible andbthe movie playing, mind all of you feeeling him the most!!!!!

Like once the movie was done that one strong feeeeeeeeel how much you missed him like that one hollow feeeel in your life now with his absence!!!!!!

Decade before but the way evry lil moment his face his expressions his words the conversation with his sister joking bout the movies costumes and how she mentions bout wanting to do something in fashion and the way he turns to you immediately and asks kya bey what's wrong in her clothes where the female character barely wore anything and he even continues the same conversation over call telling you why he was waiting to comment that with you!!!!!

Like he was THAT sure anything thats beyond normal brain you wouldn't get it, and the first person even much before mango he turns to you and that adooooooorablu asking you whilst still nodding away kuch Aya samaj mein karely terku knowing that we'll you would nod a no away.....a routine post movies like those!!!!!!

Some moments as you write and relive now this feeeeeeeeeeel!!!!!!!

Such a noob no you were!!!!;;;;

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