Friday 27 May 2022

some days!!!!!

 This sudden hit of misseeeing lately that you can't hide or fight!!!!!!

Yesterday after that dream after that wait the way the mind keeps going back to that moemnt he was just bout to turn and you coodve seen him if it wasn't for the alarm in your real state....

And the mind all through the day his voice the conversations him answering away every zillionth question of yours regarding the auto parts and yet that wait he just might turn like it seemed like a long dream cause it was all of nite but in the morning it makes you wonder itvwas just that one scene one visual playing yet took all of night fr it and fir bhi you missed out on seeing him...

To this moment late at night with beer and some work conversation in the apartment premises neeche cause of the rains yesterday that smell of the rains to that visual of his playing on loop where you could just see his shoulders his back his hair bending over the car to fix it like she was discussing the work different master stuff upcoming collection and details but your mind with that beauuuuty of the weather yesterday trippin on the visuals from the dream.....and you ask her to get her laptop too so you can check on the design inspo n stuff and she leaves with her fone with you and just before leaving she tells you if you had to check something you could also do it via your business page too and laughs away and leaves.....

That's when you realise she obvsly knew something was up with you and her fone and that sharam wali feeeel i tell you!!!!!

To that self conversation mode yaa right if he sees that that page too in his elite Blocklist!!!!!

To seeing that beloved circle circling away and it was some random post of his friend kid and with formula.....

That one feeeeeeeeeeeel the second you see it first the word inception = dreams, to the second most beautiful feel Him the best dad in the world whenever!!!!!!

This one thing you've always felt the way he would care for his sister the way he used to care protect you that dad feeeelnsometimes in some moments that secure feeeel that feeel of being pampered silly by him like that one thing uove always been THAT sure of, he will make the best dad in the world!!!!!

Every single time you see something like that bout him the way it always goes back to that moment in chat from Bombay when he mentions bout the same and the waaaay he says it away, terku ek detu you take care of it, i would want you to have my kid if some day when I decide to.....

In his own wordless way telling you you would make a good one the way he sharesbthat stare that conversation with you......and just by your face chuckles away and adds time hai uske liye i don't mean immediately!!!!!

Something's you just can't help but to feeeel away!!!!!!!

Him and his zillion different most beauuuuutiful versions...!

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