Monday 23 May 2022


 Some moments suddenly your mind plays on loop writing something else.....

Itsvall those moments you thought you finally have him back in your life had his love back just bout to leave and that wait for him to ask you not to that night that wait for him to ask you to stay back with him instead that evening as he holds your hand just before leaving in versova and nods away and you think he wants you to stay back and instead he mentions just 2 mins more....holds you and just stays that way there always was love charlie all yh8se moments he still loved you and yet that fear somehow to have you in his life he stayed away from....

Never made any sense!!!!!

How do you still feeeel all this love if there never was any love even today.....

It can't be just your madness alone your mind alone the moments you feel him in the way you still live him in moments his presence it can't just be your mind.....

But everytime that THAT close and yet again!!!!!!

Hisbwhsiper from that evening don't want to but have to and tus one feeeeel if it wasn't for the wrong timing!!!!

There are these ifs too what if instead of waiting for him to say it asking you to stay back what if you did stay back then there was that fear you do that maybe next time he woukdnt even meet you if you do.....

That one wait that one feeeelnevrry single time finally back.....

It's like these flashes of him from the stairs rhatvday from his versova flat laying over the couch as he holds your hand and nods away not to leave and that wait in you say it.....

Cause evry single time yohve felt his love for you it wasn't even like that was missing every single time yovve that strongly felt his love for you and HOW!!!!!!

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