Sunday 15 May 2022

Bhavnao ko samjhi!!

 Ever since that story that one depper smile on the face i say......and you fataak se play the most complicated movie to understand the current war of Benedict cucumberbitch!!!!

Hoping theyall get busy watching it and you your mind can have a moment of your own....doesn't work they switch and put this amaitabh movie and some character mentions bhavnaaa bhavnao ko samjho ayaaaaaa razaaaaaaakh miyaaaaaa the mind screams away on the inside.....

Immediately off n away you go to the balcony sit there for a bit with the beer and this one track on playing doing things to your mind i say!!!!!!

Razaaaakh Miyaaaaaaaa baaato mein kya rakhaa hai karely bhavnao ko samjhooo him giving away hints of his love for you evry single time he would say something and add this one tag line to it and that one beautiful silence that followed every single time....

This one beauty charlie like over the calls that one beautiful pause silence of his speaking out a zillion n more words and feelings away without uttering absingke world.....

Even in those meets the way he would just want you to not say anything and just live that moment away with him!!!!!

Today in that moment the second you hear the same lines of his head out and she comes to the balcony and that very first thing that you are this used to hy now you know you are very strange and weird sometimes the way you just zone out or get off n away from everyone and everything just laugh it away saying she is missing out on a very interesting movie and she rushes back you to your own moment!!!!!

The same even the influencer mentions today as she finally gets to see the very much talked bout you zoning out amidst something.....

It's not upto you it just does something just something that beautiful in that moemnt charlie i swear it's just like he is there for real holds your hand and takes you to another moemnt with him it's like you are one with him in that moment like the present moment doesn't even exist you don't feel a thing from the current moment your mind all of you that beautifully off n away to a moment memory place with him and HOW!!!!!!!

even now as you write that echo of his sound ayaaaaaaa having heard even the lilst of him after years now!!!!!!!

Kutaaaaaa how luckyuyy i say!!!!!!!!

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