Friday 20 May 2022

Just HIM!!!!!

 From those first moemnts feeling happy with his presence to thise first moemnts at opera.....

It's like as and when you relive to write out those initial ones the way it just thus beautifully clear cause in your head even in that moment it was life changing almost!!!!!

The way he would with evry closeness would keep asking initially is this okay is this okay and you just hold him and tell him it's okay if he doesn't ask and the way he would nod away on your shoulder everytime you ask him not to ask you!!!!

Adding away we will take it slow don't worry am in no rush it's that feeeeeel charlie that comes with such an incident in life it's like the closeness suddenly takes you back where you experienced it first time and how scared scarred it left you it's like you can't fight it can't stick to realising in that moemnt it's a different person but there he was with you in the most beauuutiful version of his......we have all the time he would say and writing it now this sudden feeeel ekdum se!!!!!!!

THIS blankness ekdum seee!!!!!!!

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