Saturday 28 May 2022

This you today...!

 Heartbeat on a very different pace today after years mind feeeling this at ease happy high trippy state after years blinking that often today with that one visual of him smiling other of him moving other ofbhis hands his hair him in white = peaks of happiness!!!!!!

This rush through you this fully alive just this you that you are feeling after this long!!!!!!!

The way it again brings back why it's always been just Him.....right from the very start to this today how it couldn't be somebody else this you the way he makes you feel!!!!!

If you think it oterise it's that random but what and how his actual presence felt like after years did bring back all those memories flashes of his presence for real.....

Suddenly realise it had been that long since you saw him!!!!!

And like always every single soul that lucky intell you to just live him!!!!!!

He was right after all it's been a long long time after all...

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