Sunday 29 May 2022

this sudden blankness!!!!!

 There was so much to write this sudden blankness now!!!!!

I miss him so much charlie like not just cause of the dream it's this other missing too.....

Seeing him in 3-4 months post bup as he was busy with his script then soon Bombay happened and then skype happened but still you were seeing him living his presence and then with the sudden gap you forget sometimes what it was like to feel somebodys presence nai for real....

Cause all this while it was him in the dreams that kept you going that you almost forgot what his actual presence felt like his voice felt like like you missed his voice that bad in that dog video of his to actually hearing him talk....

Love charlie it's always the lil things that can make the most difference in life...

Lilst of detail just a smile just the way someone moves justbthe sound any sound the way it's the lilst of details that counts....

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