Sunday 22 May 2022

Sound of music...

 When you find this random beauty of a sound and the first wish person that hits your mind like always - HIM!!!!!

For more reasons than one!!!!

First n foremost for his love for music knowing he would've loved this one!!

Second even more important is just one of those wishes with some specific sounds with vibes to live him live that beauty of him with the sound playing in the background...

The second the guitar string strikes that one wish missed out on watching listening to him play the guitar.....these jam sessions live sessions specially you love there is that pure beauty of watching something being created from nothing to this piece of magic.....

This whole vibe created with random sounds this beautifully in sync together...

To that sound of the birds everytime be it in some track or mornings or evenings just before heading home the way it always always brings back that morning with him post bup...

When a day before he randomly messages you asking for a Google chat early morning hours and tells you that tomo the first thing in the morning I want to see is you soon as I wakeup...

Some sounds charlie come with that echo of a memory tied together!!

Back then when together his usual demands some mornings a nite before him telling first thing I wanna see is you in the morning like the first face first any thing that i see soon as I'm up has to be you!!!!

Somehow manage and he comes over to open the back gate of his house and that one smileeee tingggg bolkeee on his face!!!!!

Soon moment a two and ekdum se he just holds you and sleeps away.....cause it had been barely 2 hours since the chat and then to be with him so he barely had slept and the second you try to move a lil away just so you could see his face clear the waaaay he just pulls you back closer to him nodding away saying a no not to move away from him.....that same nod of his that same sleep talk of his like he used to back then over calls at nite......

Moments like these seeing that same him with that feeeeel with that rush so nothinf really did change after all that one beautiful feeeeeel to just live those moments of silent love charlie all of this to just that sound of the birds chirping over his window...

Annnndddd this one word whilst watching any movie in subtitles birds chirping in your head it always sounds like birds chippying :D Some sounds some logics wya beyond your head!!!!

Just like this one random one and yet again like everytime brings back that THAT much him!!!!!!!

Mind with these beautiful highs n lows on a Youday like this one again today!!

The weirdest magical most soulful sunshiney soul of your life i say..!

The poooora complete heart and soul of your life!!!!!!!

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