Monday 23 May 2022

some nites...!

 Writing something and thus switch to another echo of his sound.....

When you talk bout you being useless hopeless back then and this one time your sister cooks something and brings iver and he loves it and then with you asks you bout what you knew to cook and you tell him you don't know a thing the waaaaay he just takes your face away in his hand and asks again kya ata karely terku and you keep nodding away saying nothing and the way he nods along saying chalta chala lenge kya kar sakte bol tu haina bas hai....

He never for once made you feel otherwise had no idea bout anything in life back then a complete noob but to him you were perfect justbthe way you were....

Iltiday even your mom talks bout taking outnthe present one cause it's in a real bad state and you tell her will talk bout it some other day....cause you know what this car with his birthday year meant to you...

U woukdnt have even thought of another one if the present one was working fine....

But something's nai this one feeel attached to it!!!!

This one too you really wanted him to drive touch.....

That moemnt today in the balcony the conversations the memories in loop that Feeeeel of him is feeeling different Aaj kal charlie.....

It just feeeels very different in a beautiful way that is!!!!!

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