Wednesday 18 May 2022


 From dreamwalking to a place to a person where you belong the most!!

It was like evrything him his conversations flashes of him rushing through you as you watch and feel the movie...

You felt differently bout eternal Sunshine too the second time when you watch it post bup and the third time with him again at his place where you insist on meeting him and first thing he has to was put the movie for you and does it exactly like that and holding your hand feeling his hand away whilst watching and you tell his words how the movie feels different now and that one smile of his fataaak se asking you you still remember!!!!

The way he did remember too sharing that logic bout films with you...

There were this most beauuuuutiful silences smiles lived with him shared with him that only made you love him all the more.....his biggest fan always!!!!!!

Just the way he is anything to everything that he is , loving every bit and all of him away as the time and years grow...!

It's just this feeeeel some moments leave you with charlie last nite was that to you!!!!!

To watch something that you've lived with him to relive his conversations over it in Hyderabad from Bangalore to just relive those versions of him of his love forbyou it's in these moments regardless of his absence now , it's just the way it makes you feel how truly lucky you were!!!!!

The luckiest ever!!!!!!

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