Friday 27 May 2022

beautiful irony!

 One of those beautifully ironic moemnts the only person that gets your name right Shriya, where for everybody else it's Shreya like even to spell it....nobodh gets it right but him!!!!

The way sometimes hearing your name sounds wierd when that one somebody says it nai!!

There are these sudden shifts of loving him charlie.....

Like you chat with him and all those flashes of him the sound of his voice that echoes through you as you read his chat like how his voice sounds saying the same that moment when he mentions bout moving on and suddenly it's the friend shift like all of that feeeels suddenly paused in your head and now it's just talking to him with the friend feels!!!!

Atleast till the conversation!!!!!

It's when reality hits you, like post conversation it had you thinking matlab all this while the dreams moments fooled you away it was all your mind bas nothing else.....

Just your mind and you all these years nothing else!!!!!

It's that sudden hit of realisation that sort of shatters away all thise moments lived with him in dreams, making you feel something making you overlook the present situation, leaving you with a someday evry morning almost...

Something's again never made any sense!!!!!

One puzzle nai trying to find that missing piece of the puzzle, to make sense of the picture to finally understand the whole picture...!

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