Sunday 5 November 2023

Writing and deleting!!!!

 How do you even write something’s out like these!!!!!

All it took was a himcoming luke that one this morning and this something it’s been rushing through you ever since the waking up and you just canttttt cantttttyy fight or hide this feeeeeel away!!!!!

Past few mins writing and deleting cause you knowwww u shouldn’t be write too much out here and yet this rushhhhh of a dream like that one and now the beautiful aftermath of it moments back!!!!!

Trying something after the longest time last you don’t even remember!!!!!!!!

This one magic of this very day of that space of his of those pictures of his and now today that dream of his…

To see yourself that way like literally screaming out this rush for him lately that beautifully in a dream and in his way!!!!!!

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