Sunday 5 November 2023

Way of love!!!!!!

 It’s funny the ways and versions of loving someone like just cause you are unable to handle this version of you suddenly you are trying to relive his cuter moemnts to relive that adooorable and cuter version of his but this mind like it’s a story…

And now that you’ve turned to this page this side of the story you are unable to go back to the start of the story like your mind all of you is coming getting pulled drawn literally to this page or the story now…

Be it moments through the day be it sound of music switch lately the way listening to random music and suddenly YouTube has been acting up with these new recommendations only adding that bit to what you are already dealing with…….and this morning toh alll it too was a himcoming like this one……

Drawing that line away from the dreams and closer to reality…!

Also that which makes you wishing away for it!!!!!!!

This mind today this state of you today and know should be deleting these away later but right now just is the way it is……..

Like HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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