Monday 13 November 2023


 When the brain is not ready to match with the work frequency mode that you are trying to set it on cause that’s beauuuuutifully fine tuned into this HimMode!!!!!!

And another cup of coffee to get some designs out cause the handwork team needs to start on some design and they are waiting on you and your mind this zone it’s on!!!

The second you switch to this other coffee thing cause your usual one is not available and the packet of all the other worldly language bits mentioned on the pack your eye catches this one and only single thing…

Beauty of some random moments like these where you are lost in that gorrrrrrrgeousness of him in white of all colors and calling her asking to come over to discuss something where all you want is her phone right now!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is when the block blockssssss pain the MOST MOSTEST!!!!!!


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