Friday 24 November 2023

Home forever!!!!!!!!

 Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one face in the world!!!!!!!!

Soooooooooo soooooooooooooooooo handsomelyyyyyy gorgeous he looks bababaabababaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

This face this you right can’t stop won’t stop smiling and has never learned the art of hiding away these expressions in moment of rush like this!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaay he looks this beauuuuuuutiruo in creamish white tone yet again meraaaa poooooooora ka poioiiooora heart hornet and everything in between right there!!!!!!!

And this one track not sure was a reshare one but the neauuuuty of some words this beauuuuuutifully apt you are my home…

Ever since he walked into the doors of the gym that one place that one face that one hooooman has been your home forever now…

This very moment when you can’t take your eyes off her phone right beside you now and waiiitinf for another excuse for to her to get off just soooo you can live him again now!!!!!!

Ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Singh miyaaaaaaaaaa how only you are being missed away abiiiiiiu ke abiiiiiiuui!!!!!!!!!!

Hichkiiii tohhhh anaaa he anaaaaa tumkooo abiiiich!!!!!!

With that side feeeel along that it’s you who kissed. Again when missed becomes kissed wahtteeee only!!!!!!

This THIS rush right now!!!!!!!

Has the most beauuuutoful nose cutest smileeees my homeeeee and HOW!!!!!!!!

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