Thursday 30 November 2023


 To coming back home and your mom was back where ideally you should be like sitting with her asking bout the trip and stuff and instead you just go hug her saying a hi and all and tell her you’ll finish a quick workout and come out and rush to your room……

Like that’s how urgently you wanted to feeel him away in your waking state like it’s become aisa charlie now tho ki agar buss chale you could workout the entire day or do the movement almost all day long just so you could live him feel him live his touch away sense him breathe along with his sound of breaths as you move through…

Cause that’s how he did come today with this track playing and you were working on this side plank movement like doing things that you could avoid using your palm over cause of the bruise and this new side plank movement with arm over the bed and as you bend that strong feeeeeeel of him over your waist from behind eyes still closed and the waaaaay it changes away everything on the inside the pace of your heart beat and breathes from slow soft breathing to this sudden rush……..and you still go on with the moves as you do the other one laying over with side bend and that feeeeel of him all over your arm as you move through to these soft nibbles again but for the first time not just over the neck…

Like how even now writing it out it’s absolute madness I know but how can you possibly feeeeeeel him this way in your waking state is something you just can’t make any sense of……cause this is exactly how strongly you feeeeeel him in these movements like with you breathing through moving through touching you away feeling you away to this one time you almost guess even heard him call you cookie slow sexy whisper as you stretch your neck to spine away the final one…..

It’s this beauuuuuuutofully slowly softly initially to this sudden rush as you move to feeeel him away during those movements also made you add few new movements learn more bout inversions that’s supposed to make you better as learning bout your core and breathing and flexibility but the way it’s become all bout feeeeling him away living him away move with you and everytime you finish a session this one wish to live him that way move with him that way for real!!!!!

And now right after you write it out this sudden realisation of something’s!!!!!!!

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