Saturday 4 November 2023


 It’s like he just knew you inside out like know your thought your that feel that fear that passion that something to anything like before you even realise or understand it youserkf he just knew you!!!!!!

Even passing by the stadium place and that level of Khushi these places give you cause it’s like you can still see him there live him there feeeel away that closeness of his that love of his for you when there……

And it’s only this time when you were there without having to rush to be somewhere or without having to worry about your expressions mom watching yih or anything at all and just be living him there in your head vanishing sudhakar away and it’s just you sitting in the backseat and living him away in those corners…..

To watching this apartment right before the stadium and wishing you could live ther just so you could wake up and sleep to that view……

Cause the manyyyyy moemnts lived there is another story altogether!!!!!

Like that was your mini hideout second opera place!!!!!

The very initial times he used to take there and this one late afternoon him complaining bout this pain in one of his toe nail and you take a nail cutter along as he asks you to come down immediately……

And you at your apartment ask him to show his feet so you could check and he instead says I know a better place where you can check aram se and takes you to the stadium place……

Gets out of the car comes to your side of the door and places his leg there as you bend to check he sits almost on the floor and the way he brings his face that close to yours and just stays that way looking you in the eye and slowly chummis your nose away slightly and moves away watching your face with that one smiiiiile of his and you don’t say a word again sniiiles away nodding that nod and does it again and this time onky pooooora chummis your nose away literally inside his mouth kind……

And then moves away sits there just looking at you like you clearly remember this moment cause after that you couldn’t say a word for the longest time that he was just sitting there and chuckling away beech beech mein saying you should see your face right now it’s red!!!!!

Some moments you write and ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa this sudden missssssinf right now to see him avhiiii k abiiiiiii!!!!!!

Chummi eat all of him away abhiiii k aviiiiii!!!!!!!!!

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