Monday 27 November 2023


 It’s this waiiiiiiit just when you are bout to fall asleep to live him sense him touch him feeeel him away……and then after that long wait when you don’t wake up to him this weird feeeel on the inside like you just missed out on meeting him kinda vibe!!!!!

It was a late morning to that need to rush into a workout as with new staff handwork ke appomted it’s already a packed day today and as you rush through the workout that waiiiiit for the post workout time!!!!!

It’s been cigarettes after lately again with mixed feeeeels of missing him living him this way living his love away and the weird after feels after!!!!!!

Just thinking bout it all!!!!!

To today this track as you play through the moves this one strong rush of him today over the back like you could feel him all over to the waaaaaaaay you sense him from the back to your head and the waaaaaaay it moves over to your arms like as beautifully crazy as this sounds right now writing it out the waaaaaaaaays you feel him through the moves is beyond logics any logic what so evrr!!!!!!!

To this new movement try today eyes shut and as you stretch through all you could seee was him from opera soon as he parks the car in your spot the waaaaaay he would fataaak se lean over you and that one second of looking you in the eye with that one specific smile of his and then that rush to literally dive into you away!!!!!!!

Like this one visual with the backdrop of the opera late at nights behind like this clear visual plays on repeat through n through the moves!!!!!!

The waaaaaaaay it felt like he was coming over to you as you move through like literally coming over you and the waaaay it keeps moving you like you felt him over your shoulder neck kinda beauuuutofully surreal vibe today tho!!!!!!

And this post moemnt feeeeels and rush right now!!!!!!

This strong longing to hold him away right away!!!!!!!!!

Like it’s his arms around and over you that you are missing the most right now!!!!!

Even as you write now this feeeeeeeeeeeel of him THIS rush of him like you can feeeel it grow by the second!!!!!

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