Sunday 5 November 2023


 THIS veryyyy feeeeeeel of him!!!!!!!

Trying to divert your mind watching the sylvester doc and as you just lay over trying to put yourself to sleep watching it and this sudden shift change in the pace of your heartbeat now just like it used to be with him in a rush or on Skype calls and this same feeeeeeel after long like it’s different it just is feeeeeeling all same and different away!!!!!

It’s this strong like he is here in the waking state that same feeeeeeeel of this rush over Skype call him looking you in the eye suddenly stops talking and even you saying some other thing and suddenly this pause like you can’t move write or anything and this sudden strong change in you now…….

The way today is only getting that much more beauuutifullu worse today!!!!!

Moment after moemnt!!!!!!!

What’s this even even with someone’s absence feeeeling all of this away this way like the only the presence would doo!!!!!!

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