Sunday 5 November 2023


Like it’s been taking so much of you ever since the waking up from that moment to put up a straight face normal face around the house and you try and stay in your room as much possible like it always used to be this way post opera meets and the waaaay it felt the same way almost this morning…..staying in your room getting all the clothes and stuff out and re arranging them showing like you are busy with the room but it’s your mind it’s this state of you that you’ve been trying to get back to normal and fail with every attempt…

To think of the state of you this morning it doesn’t happen charlie never happens with anything else be it movie be it seiing people around no matter what not even the slightest feel nothing makes you feel anything like that numb……

And suddenly slightest of him and this you the waaaaay it just transforms you away and this morning of all things to see yourself that way in his room the way it looked different from back then he looked like the way he does today short hair less of daaadi and the you from today too and the way it looked like a moemnt from today and not a memory that you were reliving…….cause it was you in his place and him where he always used to put you…….

Know shouldn’t be writing and the way you can see it like you can’t help it too!!!!!! Like you are holding from writing and yet the waaaaaay it’ just flows one thing down!!!!!

It’s this you that anything him changes away with ever since the waking up looking at yourself and that very same feeeeelijg you used to feel after coming back home back then looking at yourself!!!!!!

How do you even!!!!!!!!!

Like HOW!!!!!!!!

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