Friday 10 November 2023


 Every single fever dream almost also brings him along!!!!!

A high fever and this cold and then to find him amidst this big big non comforting spooky mountains around and right in the middle of it all as you walk through there is this sound playing and the waaaaaaay it sounds that familiar and you are almost drawn to the sound…

As you go closer you turn and there’s him suddenly holding you from behind in that missing rush of him again where you can sense that he did come running from far!!

Keeps saying something now your dizzy head even as you try to can’t recall!

Like he keeps making that sound comfort you as you try to move and turn around to see him once to see what he was wearing to see live his details to feeeeeel and live all of him and as you try the waaaaaay he keeps nodding away on your shoulder in a way asking you to not move…

And yet ofcourse you do and this one jhatak and you wake up his other track still playing and suddenly you realise it was same one from that your birthday drive he takes you on post bup towards the airport road!!!!

Something’s and this veerytyyyyy feeeeeel now been many many years now since then and yet how only some sounds still make you feeeel and relive it all away even years after……just with a sound!!!  

This feeeeeeeel now just reliving that warmth that comfort of his scent of his arms around you of that feeeeeeeeel of him holding you away that way!!!!!!!

Specially on days like these you could just curl roll away into him and just be slow eating his face away!!!!!!!

The gate still there even with this haaalath too!!!!!!!

Like it’s gotten worse since yesterday with the hectic day at work today and yet something’s it’s this beauuuuuuuty the way fever dreams too have become him away instead of the scary big people dreams anymore!!!! 

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