Monday 13 November 2023

First face!!!!!!

 When you wake up pretty late today and like knew you wanted to miss work today!!!!!!

Lil did you know a tiniest moemnt of magic was waiting for you…

The second you wake up and come outside of your room right in the living area table there was her fone just like there and a note that she wanted to discuss something urgent and was coming back in few mins……

Like wait for a few mins cause there’s nobody home mom out for some work and couldn’t even call her to ask what happened she left her phone after a stroll ayah waha to check the lights out still there on some houses get on YouTube to play something and the very first track recommendation was a new track from niladri and that pullllll that gorgeous of a track and that need to see him cause all of yesterday she was almost here throughout the day till the Pooja and in veyeeen as and when you could you were checking if anything at all from him for Diwali…..

Just so you could live him for a bit cause these special days and more so on Diwali like it all rushes back the very first initial feeeeels of him in your life like this one festival did bring and fill up your life away with a magical wonder as Him…

No luck yesterday and seconds back when you were listening to this track on loop and you finally take her fone to see him and there he was ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that THAT one gorgeous beauuuuuuuuuty of him in white your heart right now beating at the highest pace possible and also this sense of calm with full grown daaaaaaaadi and everytime you see him wit daaadi this beautiful itch over your face to smell and feeel it away!!!!!

Something’s are just beyond cause you onowwwww exactly how it feeeels and smells like it looks the same exact ditto same as when he was back from Bangalore…

Like it’s the exact same full grown beauty of the daadi!!!!!

How do you evennnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!

At his place diwali with everybody around uncle aunty his sister and ringo with some friends around but the waaaaaaaaay he literally glows that additonal in between everybody else that one smiiiiileeeeeeeee like a bulb lit literally his face all of him ayyyaaaaaaaa this THIS heart right now!!!!!!

Like suddenly all of you on the inside is feeeeling that fiiiine awaaaay!!!!!!

Be it his dream hug last night to literally seeing his face the first thing as you wake up!!!!!!

This morning waking up this beauuuuuuty like secs after living that beauuuuty of him the manager walks back in to take her phone as she galti se left it in a rush……

And that feeeeling as she was taking it and walking out now!!!!!!

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